The History of Military Sun Helmets
in Full Color

Military Sun Helmets of the World

By Peter Suciu with Stuart Bates

Foreword by Mark R. Kasal


The history of military sun helmets, often called "pith helmets" or "tropical helmets" is a subject that has rarely been covered in-depth. Much of the origin of these helmets has remained shrouded in mystery, yet these helmets – thanks to movies such as Zulu, The Bridge on the River Kwai and We Were Soldiers – are as iconic to their conflicts as the German or American steel helmets.

This 107-page book examines the history of these helmets, from the Indian Mutiny through the modern day. With nearly 200 color photographs and illustrations, as well as dozens of period photographs, this book is an essential guide to anyone interested in learning more about this form of military headgear that has been used around the world since the middle of the 19th century.

  Military Sun Helmets of the World cover        Military Sun Helmets of the World back
Military Sun Helmets of the World    Military Sun Helmets of the World    Military Sun Helmets of the World

Coming March 2009
ISBN: 978-1-894581-52-3
8.75” x 11” / 103 pages / over 200 color and black & white photos and illustrations